Jana Albrecht



Jana Albrecht was born in Gross- Gerau in 1970. From 1991 master's degree in theater studies, art history and cultural anthropology at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. In 1993 she decided to train as a theater painter at the Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden and graduated as a certified theater painter(DBK) in 1996. Since then she has worked freelance for many years for the Hessisches Staatstheater and a variety of other theaters and film/television productions. Since 2017 focus on working on her own works. Since then she exhibits regularly, in solo format for the first time in 2021 at Arte Wiesbaden. Jana Albrecht lives and works in Wiesbaden.

To the website

16 P Education

9 P Work

6 P Meaningfulness

When did you start working as an artist?

The visual arts have always been my natural form of expression, the thing that makes me happy. Then working in theater opened up a wealth of techniques and materials for me. It was also then that I started making my own paints and painting large-scale on canvas. The first opportunities also arose to show my own work and initially join a studio community.

Who and what inspires you?

Above all, I am inspired by structures and natural phenomena.

What materials do you work with and why?

I work with oil, ink, chalk, pigments, gold leaf but also with varnish, gouache and linocut, mostly on canvas but in smaller formats also on wood. The structures contained therein I like to bind. In my paintings, different materials interpenetrate and overlap, usually in many layers.

Are there colors and shapes that you prefer?

Since there is always an uncontrolled, intuitive component to the process of creating my works, I would say no.
Colors and forms also emerge that surprise myself.

What is important to you in your work?

It is important to me not to stick too quickly to a result, to let myself be surprised. Partly, I turn my images and then edit them from the new perspective, different readings should be possible.

Why did you start working as an artist?

I have the desire and the need to let inner landscapes become visible. For me, the process of creating my work is a balancing act between consciously doing and intuitively letting things happen. At the beginning there is usually only a vague feeling, a hunch of what is to emerge. I then try to approach it layer by layer. This process is always fascinating for me and when it succeeds, it is fulfilling.

Is there something or someone that influences you?


Which techniques do you prefer?

I work with brushes, palette knives as well as gilding and pouring. Overlaying different consistencies through the use of mixed media contains an unpredictable element. This creates for me a kind of dialogue between the emerging image and me, between consciously intervening and allowing the uncontrolled.

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Do you want to say something with your art?

I would like to make visible what has not yet become a picture for me.

What are your goals or what would you like to achieve in 5 years?

I wish for the next few years with my artistic work to become increasingly visible.

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